Source code for ownca.ownca

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Kairo de Araujo

from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa import (
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509 import (
from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID
import datetime
import os
import re
from voluptuous import Any, MultipleInvalid, Schema
import warnings

from .crypto import keys
from .crypto.certs import issue_cert, issue_csr, ca_sign_csr, ca_crl
from ._constants import (
from .exceptions import (
from .utils import (

def _validate_owncacertdata(data):
    Validates the OwnCA data structure

    :param data: Certificate data
    :type data: dict
    :return : None
    :raises: ``exceptions.OnwCAInvalidDataStructure``

    cert_schema = Schema(
            "cert": Any(None, x509.Certificate),
            "cert_bytes": Any(None, bytes),
            "csr": Any(None, x509.CertificateSigningRequest),
            "csr_bytes": Any(None, bytes),
            "key": Any(None, _RSAPrivateKey),
            "key_bytes": Any(None, bytes),
            "public_key": _RSAPublicKey,
            "public_key_bytes": bytes,
            "crl": Any(None, _CertificateRevocationList),
            "crl_bytes": Any(None, bytes),


    except MultipleInvalid as err:
        raise OnwCAInvalidDataStructure("OnwcaKeyData :" + str(err))

[docs]class OwncaCertData(object): """ Generates Ownca Certificate Data Structure :param data: Certificate Data .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python { "cert": cryptography.x509.Certificate, "cert_bytes": bytes, "csr": ``cryptography.x509._CertificateSigningRequest`` "csr_bytes: bytes, "key": cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa._RSAPrivateKey, "key_bytes": bytes, "public_key": cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa._RSAPrivateKey, "public_key_bytes": bytes, "crl": cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa._RSAPublicKey, "crl_bytes": bytes } :type data: dict :return: OwncaCertData :rtype: ``ownca.ownca.OwncaCertData`` :raises: ``exceptions.OnwCAInvalidDataStructure`` """ def __init__(self, data): try: _validate_owncacertdata(data) except OnwCAInvalidDataStructure as err: raise err self.__dict__ = data = data @property def cert(self): """ Method to get the certificate :return: certificate :rtype: ``cryptography.x509.Certificate`` """ return["cert"] @property def cert_bytes(self): """ Method to get the certificate in ``bytes`` :return: certificate :rtype: bytes """ return["cert_bytes"] @property def csr(self): """ Method to get the certificate signing request if an Intermediate CA :return: csr :rtype: ``cryptography.x509._CertificateSigningRequest`` """ return"csr") @property def csr_bytes(self): """ Method to get the certificate signing request in bytes :return: csr :rtype: bytes """ return"csr_bytes") @property def key(self): """ Method to get the key :return: key :rtype: ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa._RSAPrivateKey`` """ return["key"] @property def key_bytes(self): """ Method to get the key in ``bytes`` :return: key :rtype: bytes """ return["key_bytes"] @property def public_key(self): """ Method to get the public key :return: key :rtype: ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa._RSAPublicKey`` """ return["public_key"] @property def public_key_bytes(self): """ Method to get the public key in ``bytes`` :return: public key :rtype: bytes """ return["public_key_bytes"] @property def crl(self): """ Method to get the certificate revocation list (crl) :return: certificate revocation list (crl) :rtype: ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509.\ _CertificateRevocationList`` """ return["crl"] @property def crl_bytes(self): """ Method to get the certificate revocation list (crl) :return: certificate revocation list (crl) :rtype: bytes """ return["crl_bytes"]
[docs]def format_oids(oids_parameters): """ Format dictionary OIDs to ``cryptography.x509.oid.NameOID`` object list :param oids_parameters: CA Object Identifiers (OIDs). The are typically seen in X.509 names. Allowed keys/values: ``'country_name': str (two letters)``, ``'locality_name': str``, ``'state_or_province': str``, ``'street_address': str``, ``'organization_name': str``, ``'organization_unit_name': str``, ``'email_address': str``, :type oids_parameters: dict, required :return: ``cryptography.x509.oid.NameOID`` object list :rtype: object ``cryptography.x509.oid.NameOID`` object list """ oids = list() for oid in oids_parameters: if oid in OIDS: current_oid = oids_parameters[oid] if not current_oid: continue if type(current_oid) is not str: raise TypeError(f"'{oid}' must be str") if oid == "country_name": # country name ISO 3166-1 (alfa-2) if not re.match(COUNTRY_REGEX, current_oid): raise OwnCAInvalidOID( f"'{oid}' must be ISO 3166-1 (alfa-2)" ) else: oids.append( x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME, current_oid) ) elif oid == "locality_name": oids.append( x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.LOCALITY_NAME, current_oid) ) elif oid == "state_or_province": oids.append( x509.NameAttribute( NameOID.STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME, current_oid ) ) elif oid == "street_address": oids.append( x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.STREET_ADDRESS, current_oid) ) elif oid == "organization_name": oids.append( x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, current_oid) ) elif oid == "organization_unit_name": oids.append( x509.NameAttribute( NameOID.ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME, current_oid ) ) elif oid == "email_address": oids.append( x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.EMAIL_ADDRESS, current_oid) ) else: raise OwnCAInvalidOID( f"The '{oid}' is Invalid. Allowed OIDs: {', '.join(OIDS)}." ) return oids
[docs]def load_cert_files( common_name, key_file, public_key_file, csr_file, certificate_file, crl_file ): """Loads the certificate, keys and revoked list files from storage :param common_name: Common Name for CA :type common_name: str, required when there is no CA :param key_file: key file full path :type key_file: str, required :param public_key_file: public key file full path :type public_key_file: str, required :param csr_file: certificate signing request file full path :type csr_file: str, required :param certificate_file: certificate file full path :type certificate_file: str, required :param crl_file: certificate revocation list file full path :type key_file: str, required :return: ``OwncaCertData`` :raises: ``OwnCAInconsistentData`` """ # certificate signing request (if ICA) try: with open(csr_file, "rb") as csr_f: csr_data = csr = x509.load_pem_x509_csr(csr_data, default_backend()) csr_bytes = csr.public_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM) except FileNotFoundError: csr = None csr_bytes = None # certificate try: with open(certificate_file, "rb") as cert_f: cert_data = certificate = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate( cert_data, default_backend() ) current_cn_name = ( certificate.subject.rfc4514_string().split("CN=")[-1].split(",")[0] ) certificate_bytes = certificate.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM ) except FileNotFoundError: certificate = None certificate_bytes = None if common_name is not None and common_name != current_cn_name: raise OwnCAInconsistentData( "Initialized CN name does not match with current existent " + f"common_name: {current_cn_name}" ) # key try: with open(key_file, "rb") as key_f: key_data = key = serialization.load_pem_private_key( key_data, password=None, backend=default_backend() ) key_bytes = key.private_bytes( serialization.Encoding.PEM, serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8, serialization.NoEncryption(), ) except FileNotFoundError: key = None key_bytes = None with open(public_key_file, "rb") as pub_key_f: pub_key_data = public_key = serialization.load_ssh_public_key( pub_key_data, backend=default_backend() ) public_key_bytes = public_key.public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH, serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH ) # certificate revocation list (crl) # if there is not crl file it is created (backward compatible) try: with open(crl_file, "rb") as crl_f: crl_data = crl = x509.load_pem_x509_crl(crl_data, default_backend()) crl_bytes = crl.public_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM) except FileNotFoundError: if certificate is None: crl = None crl_bytes = None else: crl = ca_crl( ca_cert=certificate, ca_key=key, common_name=common_name ) crl_bytes = crl.public_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM) return OwncaCertData( { "cert": certificate, "cert_bytes": certificate_bytes, "csr": csr, "csr_bytes": csr_bytes, "key": key, "key_bytes": key_bytes, "public_key": public_key, "public_key_bytes": public_key_bytes, "crl": crl, "crl_bytes": crl_bytes } )
[docs]class CertificateAuthority: """The primary Python OWNCA class. This class initializes the Certificate Authority (CA). :param ca_storage: path where CA files and hosts files are stored. Default is the current directory (``os.getcwd()``) :type ca_storage: str, required when there is no CA :param common_name: Common Name for CA :type common_name: str, required when there is no CA :param dns_names: List of DNS names :type dns_names: list of strings, optional :param intermediate: Intermediate Certificate Authority mode :type intermediate: bool, default False :param oids: CA Object Identifiers (OIDs). The are typically seen in X.509 names. Allowed keys/values: ``'country_name': str (two letters)``, ``'locality_name': str``, ``'state_or_province': str``, ``'street_address': str``, ``'organization_name': str``, ``'organization_unit_name': str``, ``'email_address': str``, :type oids: dict, optional, all keys are optional :param public_exponent: Public Exponent :type public_exponent: int, default: 65537 :param key_size: Key size :type key_size: int, default: 2048 """ def __init__( self, ca_storage=None, common_name=None, intermediate=False, maximum_days=825, **kwargs ): """Constructor method""" public_exponent = kwargs.get("public_exponent", 65537) key_size = kwargs.get("key_size", 2048) if "oids" in kwargs: # TODO: Fox Issue #4 warnings.warn( "The OIDS will be ignored ot CA. It is NOT working. Issue #4" + "Check out ." ) # self.oids = format_oids(kwargs["oids"]) self.oids = list() else: self.oids = list() self._common_name = common_name if not ca_storage: self.ca_storage = os.getcwd() else: self.ca_storage = ca_storage try: self.current_ca_status = file_data_status(self.status) except OwnCAIntermediate: self.current_ca_status = True cert_data = self.initialize() self._update(cert_data) return if self.current_ca_status is True: cert_data = self.initialize() self._update(cert_data) current_cn_object = self._certificate.subject.rfc4514_string() self._common_name = current_cn_object.split("CN=")[-1] else: if self._common_name is None or type(self._common_name) is not str: raise TypeError( "'common_name' is required parameter as string when " + "there is no CA available." ) cert_data = self.initialize( common_name=common_name, maximum_days=maximum_days, intermediate=intermediate, public_exponent=public_exponent, key_size=key_size, ) self._update(cert_data) @property def status(self): """ This method give the CA storage status :return: dict ``ownca.utils.ownca_directory`` .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python { "type": "Certificate Authority" or "Intermediate Certificate Authority", "certificate": bool, "crl": bool, "csr": bool, "key": bool, "public_key": bool, "ca_home": None or str, } """ return ownca_directory(self.ca_storage) @property def type(self): """ This method give the Certificate Authority type 'Certificate Authority' or 'Intermediate Certificate Authority' :return: str """ return self.status.get("type") @property def crl(self): """Get CA certificate revocation list (crl) :return: certificate class :rtype: class, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509.\ _CertificateRevocationList`` """ return self._crl @property def crl_bytes(self): """Get CA certificate revocation list (crl) :return: certificate class :rtype: bytes """ return self._crl_bytes @property def csr(self): """Get CA Certificate Signing Request :return: certificate class :rtype: class, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509.\ _CertificateSigningRequest`` """ return self._csr @property def csr_bytes(self): """Get CA Certificate Signing Request in bytes :return: certificate class :rtype: bytes """ return self._csr_bytes @property def cert(self): """Get CA certificate :return: certificate class :rtype: class, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509.Certificate`` """ if ( self._certificate is None and self.type == "Intermediate Certificate Authority" ): raise OwnCAIntermediate( "Intermediate Certificate Authority has not a signed " + "certificate file in CA Storage" ) return self._certificate @property def cert_bytes(self): """Get CA certificate in bytes :return: certificate :rtype: bytes, """ return self._certificate_bytes @property def key(self): """Get CA RSA Private key :return: RSA Private Key class :rtype: class, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa._RSAPrivateKey`` """ return self._key @property def key_bytes(self): """Get CA RSA Private key in bytes :return: RSA Private Key :rtype: bytes """ return self._key_bytes @property def public_key(self): """Get CA RSA Public key :return: RSA Public Key class :rtype: class, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa._RSAPublicKey`` """ return self._public_key @property def public_key_bytes(self): """Get CA RSA Public key in bytes :return: RSA Public Key class :rtype: bytes """ return self._public_key_bytes @property def common_name(self): """ Get CA common name :return: CA common name :rtype: str """ return self._common_name @property def hash_name(self): """ Get the CA hash name :return: CA hash name :rtype: str """ return format( self._certificate._backend._lib.X509_NAME_hash( self._certificate._backend._lib.X509_get_issuer_name( self._certificate._x509 ) ), "x", ) @property def certificates(self): """ Get the CA list of issued/managed certificates :return: List of certificates (default is host/domain) :rtype: list """ host_cert_dir = os.path.join(self.ca_storage, CA_CERTS_DIR) certificate_list = list() for content in os.listdir(host_cert_dir): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(host_cert_dir, content)): continue certificate_list.append(content) return certificate_list def _update(self, cert_data): """ Update certificate data in the instance. :param cert_data: :return: True """ self._certificate = cert_data.cert self._certificate_bytes = cert_data.cert_bytes self._csr = cert_data.csr self._csr_bytes = cert_data.csr_bytes self._key = cert_data.key self._key_bytes = cert_data.key_bytes self._public_key = cert_data.public_key self._public_key_bytes = cert_data.public_key_bytes self._crl = cert_data.crl self._crl_bytes = cert_data.crl_bytes
[docs] def initialize( self, common_name=None, dns_names=None, intermediate=False, maximum_days=825, public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, ): """ Initialize the Certificate Authority (CA) :param common_name: CA Common Name (CN) :type common_name: str, required :param dns_names: List of DNS names :type dns_names: list of strings, optional :param maximum_days: Certificate maximum days duration :type maximum_days: int, default: 825 :param public_exponent: Public Exponent :type public_exponent: int, default: 65537 :param intermediate: Intermediate Certificate Authority mode :type intermediate: bool, default False :param key_size: Key size :type key_size: int, default: 2048 :return: tuple with CA certificate, CA Key and CA Public key :rtype: tuple ( ``cryptography.x509.Certificate``, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa``, string public key ) """ private_ca_key_file = os.path.join(self.ca_storage, CA_KEY) public_ca_key_file = os.path.join(self.ca_storage, CA_PUBLIC_KEY) certificate_file = os.path.join(self.ca_storage, CA_CERT) csr_file = os.path.join(self.ca_storage, CA_CSR) crl_file = os.path.join(self.ca_storage, CA_CRL) if self.current_ca_status is True: cert_data = load_cert_files( common_name=common_name, key_file=private_ca_key_file, public_key_file=public_ca_key_file, csr_file=csr_file, certificate_file=certificate_file, crl_file=crl_file ) return cert_data elif self.current_ca_status is False: raise OwnCAInvalidFiles(self.status) elif self.current_ca_status is None: key = keys.generate( public_exponent=public_exponent, key_size=key_size ) store_file(key.key_bytes, private_ca_key_file, permission=0o600) store_file(key.public_key_bytes, public_ca_key_file) if intermediate is True: csr = issue_csr( key=key.key, common_name=common_name, dns_names=dns_names, oids=self.oids, ) csr_bytes = csr.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM ) store_file(csr_bytes, csr_file) cert_data = OwncaCertData( { "cert": None, "cert_bytes": None, "csr": csr, "csr_bytes": csr_bytes, "key": key.key, "key_bytes": key.key_bytes, "public_key": key.public_key, "public_key_bytes": key.public_key_bytes, "crl": None, "crl_bytes": None } ) return cert_data certificate = issue_cert( self.oids, maximum_days=maximum_days, key=key.key, pem_public_key=key.public_key, common_name=common_name, dns_names=dns_names, ) if not certificate: raise OwnCAFatalError(self.status) else: crl = ca_crl( certificate, ca_key=key.key, common_name=common_name, ) crl_bytes = crl.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM ) store_file(crl_bytes, crl_file) certificate_bytes = certificate.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM ) store_file(certificate_bytes, certificate_file) cert_data = OwncaCertData( { "cert": certificate, "cert_bytes": certificate_bytes, "key": key.key, "key_bytes": key.key_bytes, "public_key": key.public_key, "public_key_bytes": key.public_key_bytes, "crl": crl, "crl_bytes": crl_bytes } ) self._common_name = common_name self._update(cert_data) return cert_data
[docs] def issue_certificate( self, hostname, maximum_days=825, common_name=None, dns_names=None, oids=None, public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, ): """ Issues a new certificate signed by the CA :param hostname: Hostname :type hostname: str, required :param maximum_days: Certificate maximum days duration :type maximum_days: int, default: 825 :param common_name: Common Name (CN) when loading existent certificate :type common_name: str, optional :param dns_names: List of DNS names :type dns_names: list of strings, optional :param oids: CA Object Identifiers (OIDs). The are typically seen in X.509 names. Allowed keys/values: ``'country_name': str (two letters)``, ``'locality_name': str``, ``'state_or_province': str``, ``'street_address': str``, ``'organization_name': str``, ``'organization_unit_name': str``, ``'email_address': str``, :type oids: dict, optional, all keys are optional :param public_exponent: Public Exponent :type public_exponent: int, default: 65537 :param key_size: Key size :type key_size: int, default: 2048 :return: host object :rtype: ``ownca.ownca.HostCertificate`` """ if not validate_hostname(hostname): raise TypeError( "Invalid 'hostname'. Hostname must to be a string following " + f"the hostname rules r'{HOSTNAME_REGEX}'" ) host_cert_dir = os.path.join(self.ca_storage, CA_CERTS_DIR, hostname) host_key_path = os.path.join(host_cert_dir, f"{hostname}.pem") host_public_path = os.path.join(host_cert_dir, f"{hostname}.pub") host_csr_path = os.path.join(host_cert_dir, f"{hostname}.csr") host_cert_path = os.path.join(host_cert_dir, f"{hostname}.crt") crl_file = os.path.join(self.ca_storage, CA_CRL) files = { "certificate": host_cert_path, "key": host_key_path, "public_key": host_public_path, } if common_name is None: common_name = hostname if os.path.isdir(host_cert_dir): cert_data = load_cert_files( common_name=common_name, key_file=host_key_path, public_key_file=host_public_path, csr_file=host_csr_path, certificate_file=host_cert_path, crl_file=crl_file ) else: os.mkdir(host_cert_dir) key_data = keys.generate( public_exponent=public_exponent, key_size=key_size ) store_file(key_data.key_bytes, host_key_path, permission=0o600) store_file(key_data.public_key_bytes, host_public_path) if oids: oids = format_oids(oids) else: oids = list() csr = issue_csr( key=key_data.key, common_name=common_name, dns_names=dns_names, oids=oids, ) store_file( csr.public_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM), host_csr_path, ) certificate = ca_sign_csr( self.cert, self.key, csr, key_data.public_key, maximum_days=maximum_days, ) certificate_bytes = certificate.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM ) store_file(certificate_bytes, host_cert_path) cert_data = OwncaCertData( { "cert": certificate, "cert_bytes": certificate_bytes, "key": key_data.key, "key_bytes": key_data.key_bytes, "public_key": key_data.public_key, "public_key_bytes": key_data.public_key_bytes, "crl": self.crl, "crl_bytes": self.crl_bytes } ) host = HostCertificate(common_name, files, cert_data) return host
[docs] def load_certificate(self, hostname): """ Loads an existent certificate. :param hostname: Hostname (common name) :type hostname: str, required :return: host object :rtype: ``ownca.ownca.HostCertificate`` """ host_cert_dir = os.path.join(self.ca_storage, CA_CERTS_DIR, hostname) if not os.path.isdir(host_cert_dir): raise OwnCAInvalidCertificate( f"The certificate does not exist for '{hostname}'." ) return self.issue_certificate(hostname)
[docs] def revoke_certificate(self, hostname, common_name=None): """ Revokes an existent certificate owned by CA. It also updates the CA Certificate Revoked List. :param hostname: Hostname :type hostname: str, required :param common_name: Common Name (CN) when loading existent certificate :type common_name: str, optional :return: CA object :rtype: ``ownca.ownca.CertificateAuthority`` """ if not validate_hostname(hostname): raise TypeError( "Invalid 'hostname'. Hostname must to be a string following " + f"the hostname rules r'{HOSTNAME_REGEX}'" ) certificate = self.load_certificate(hostname) if certificate.revoked: return None host_cert_dir = os.path.join(self.ca_storage, CA_CERTS_DIR, hostname) host_key_path = os.path.join(host_cert_dir, f"{hostname}.pem") host_csr_path = os.path.join(host_cert_dir, f"{hostname}.csr") host_public_path = os.path.join(host_cert_dir, f"{hostname}.pub") host_cert_path = os.path.join(host_cert_dir, f"{hostname}.crt") crl_file = os.path.join(self.ca_storage, CA_CRL) if common_name is None: common_name = hostname if not os.path.isdir(host_cert_dir): raise OwnCAInvalidCertificate( f"The certificate does not exist for '{hostname}'." ) cert_data = load_cert_files( common_name=common_name, key_file=host_key_path, public_key_file=host_public_path, csr_file=host_csr_path, certificate_file=host_cert_path, crl_file=crl_file ) certificates_revoke = [revoked for revoked in self.crl] revoke_cert = x509.RevokedCertificateBuilder().serial_number( cert_data.cert.serial_number ).revocation_date( ).build(default_backend()) certificates_revoke.append(revoke_cert) crl = ca_crl( self.cert, ca_key=self.key, common_name=common_name, certificates_revoke=certificates_revoke ) crl_bytes = crl.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM ) ca_cert = OwncaCertData( { "cert": self.cert, "cert_bytes": self.cert_bytes, "key": self.key, "key_bytes": self.key_bytes, "public_key": self.public_key, "public_key_bytes": self.public_key_bytes, "crl": crl, "crl_bytes": crl_bytes } ) store_file(crl_bytes, crl_file, force=True) self._update(ca_cert)
[docs] def sign_csr(self, csr, csr_public_key, maximum_days=825): """ Signs an Certificate Sigining Request and generates the certificates. :param hostname: Hostname :type hostname: str, required :param csr: Certificate Signing Request Object :param csr: class, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509.\ _CertificateSigningRequest`` :type csr_public_key: RSA Public Key class :rtype: class, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa._RSAPublicKey`` :param maximum_days: Certificate maximum days duration :type maximum_days: int, default: 825 :return: host object :rtype: ``ownca.ownca.CertificateAuthority`` """ csr_subject = csr.subject.get_attributes_for_oid( x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME ) if csr_subject is not None or len(csr_subject) == 1: common_name = csr_subject[0].value csr_public_key_bytes = csr_public_key.public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH, serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH ) csr_bytes = csr.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM ) host_cert_dir = os.path.join( self.ca_storage, CA_CERTS_DIR, common_name ) certificate = ca_sign_csr( self.cert, self.key, csr, csr_public_key, maximum_days=maximum_days ) os.mkdir(host_cert_dir) host_public_path = os.path.join(host_cert_dir, f"{common_name}.pub") host_csr_path = os.path.join(host_cert_dir, f"{common_name}.csr") host_cert_path = os.path.join(host_cert_dir, f"{common_name}.crt") store_file(csr_public_key_bytes, host_public_path) certificate_bytes = certificate.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM ) store_file(certificate_bytes, host_cert_path) store_file(csr_bytes, host_csr_path) cert_data = OwncaCertData( { "cert": certificate, "cert_bytes": certificate_bytes, "key": None, "key_bytes": None, "public_key": csr_public_key, "public_key_bytes": csr_public_key_bytes, "crl": self.crl, "crl_bytes": self.crl_bytes } ) files = { "certificate": host_cert_path, "key": None, "public_key": host_public_path, } host = HostCertificate(common_name, files, cert_data) return host
[docs]class HostCertificate: """ This class provide the host certificate methods. :param common_name: Host CN (Common Name), FQDN standard is required. :type common_name: str, required :param files: files path (certificate, key and public key) from host .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python { "certificate": str, "key": str, "public_key": str, } :type files: dict, required :param cert_data: certificate data ``ownca.OwncaCertData`` :type cert_data: object, required """ def __init__(self, common_name, files, cert_data): """Host Certificate constructor method""" self._common_name = common_name self._files = files self.cert_data = cert_data self._revoked = \ self.cert_data.crl.get_revoked_certificate_by_serial_number( self.cert_data.cert.serial_number ) @property def cert(self): """Get certificate :return: certificate object :rtype: object, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509.Certificate`` """ return self.cert_data.cert @property def cert_bytes(self): """Get certificate in bytes :return: certificate :rtype: bytes, """ return self.cert_data.cert_bytes @property def csr(self): """Get Certificate Signing Request :return: certificate class :rtype: class, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509.\ _CertificateSigningRequest`` """ return self.cert_data.csr @property def csr_bytes(self): """Get Certificate Signing Request in bytes :return: certificate class :rtype: bytes """ return self.cert_data.csr_bytes @property def key(self): """Get RSA Private key :return: RSA Private Key class :rtype: object, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa._RSAPrivateKey`` """ return self.cert_data.key @property def key_bytes(self): """Get RSA Private key in bytes :return: RSA Private Key :rtype: bytes """ return self.cert_data.key_bytes @property def public_key(self): """Get RSA Public key :return: RSA Public Key class :rtype: object, ``cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa._RSAPublicKey`` """ return self.cert_data.public_key @property def public_key_bytes(self): """Get RSA Public key in bytes :return: RSA Public Key class :rtype: bytes """ return self.cert_data.public_key_bytes @property def common_name(self): """ Get common name :return: common name :rtype: str """ return self._common_name @property def revoked(self): """ Get revoked state :return: True when revoked and False when valid. :rtype: str """ if type(self._revoked) == _RevokedCertificate: return True else: return False